This function takes in a query signature (ex: log fold-change values of gene expression for a perturbation experiment) and calculates iPAS scores for each KEGG pathway. Many query signatures may be submitted at once. The input signature(s) must be in the form of a matrix where each column is a signature and each row is a gene. Row names must be Entrez IDs. Names for each signature may be given as column names.
iPAS_enrich( query, similarity = c("Pearson", "cosine", "dot_product"), gene_type = "entrez", category = c("Disease", "Other", "Signaling", "Cancer"), perm = 1000, testing = F, return_individual_cl = T, return_null_dist = F, overlap_min = 10, ncores = 1, seed = NULL, print_updates = F )
query | a matrix with the input/query signatures to perform pathway analysis on. The row names should be genes (Entrez IDs) and the column names should be names for the samples/signatures. |
similarity | the type of similarity measure to use for iPAS. Choices are "Pearson" for Pearson correlation, "cosine" for cosine similarity, and "dot_product" for the dot product. |
gene_type | the type of names used for the genes. Currently only Entrez IDs are available. |
category | the categories of KEGG pathways for which to calculate iPAS scores. We categorize pathways as "Disease", "Other", "Signaling", or "Cancer". By default all categories/pathways are included. |
perm | the number of permutations to perform (1000 by default) |
testing | T/F value or integer. If TRUE, only calculate iPAS scores for the first 5 pathways. If an integer n, calculate iPAS scores for the first n pathways. Used in testing. |
return_individual_cl | T/F value, whether to return similarity scores for each individual cell line |
return_null_dist | T/F value, whether to return the null distribution of iPAS scores for each pathway (permutation scores). TRUE is required for the iPAS_density and iPAS_density_facet functions, which graph the density of the null distribution. FALSE by default. |
overlap_min | the minimum number of overlapping genes required between the input signature and a pathway signature to calculate similarity (default is 10). |
ncores | number of cores to use for calculation (via parallel package), default is 1. |
seed | a seed (integer value) to use for random number generation, passed to set.seed. This can be used to make the analysis reproducible, since it involved random permutation. |
print_updates | T/F value, whether to print updates while calculating, FALSE by default. |
a data frame (tibble) with correlation and p-value results for the input signature compared with each PAS signature